KÅsei, Tsubaki and RyÅta visit Kaori in her hospital room. KÅsei feels responsible for disqualifying Kaori from advancing to the final round of the preliminaries due to stopping in the middle of their performance, yet she has not said a word of reproach to him. He feels out of place since this is not something he can easily forget. Tsubaki has not been herself either, shown when she is not focused during softball practice, as if her eyes are cloudy. She seeks advice from her good friend Nao Kashiwagi. Tsubaki later encounters SaitÅ, the former captain of the softball team of whom she used to admire. When Kaori is discharged from the hospital and comes back to school, KÅsei hesitates to speak to her until RyÅta approaches by her side. After school, KÅsei finds Kaori playing hopscotch at a bridge, where she implores him to enter a piano competition. Kaori dives into the river below, which motivates KÅsei to do the same.